Sunday, May 15, 2011


If you know anything about marijuana at all, you know that the psychoactive chemical THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main ingredient in marijuana that creates your "high".  If you look at the marijuana bud under a microscope, you will see what look like tiny mushrooms.  These are THC trichomes.
THC has many wonderful medicinal properties:

"A number of studies show that THC provides medical benefits for cancer and AIDS patients by increasing appetite and decreasing nausea. It has also been shown to assist some glaucoma patients by reducing pressure within the eye, and is used in the form of cannabis by a number of multiple sclerosis patients, who use it to alleviate neuropathic pain and spasticity."  -Wikipedia

But did you know that THC is NOT the only chemical in medical cannabis that alleviates your ailments?  There is another chemical in medicinal marijuana called CBD (Cannabidiol).  But what is it?  Cannabidiol is simply another chemical in marijuana that provides medicinal value, although there's never as much CBD in a bud as there is THC.  CBD is the chemical that relieves anxiety, nausea, inflammation, and it can slow or sometimes stop cancer cell growth.

 Many people that smoke medicinal cannabis are surprised to learn that you actually need a balance of CBD and THC.  CBD counteracts the psychoactive effects of THC, making you calmer.  If you were to smoke pure THC, you would be filled with anxiety--unless pure THC is what you need for your symptoms, then you need hash.  I won't go into great detail about hash and the different types of hash just yet, but hash is mostly THC trichomes cooked and pressed together.  There is CBD in hash though, so you will still receive its calming effects.

A sliced ball of pure hash.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Strain Review #1: Sour Bubble

Sour Bubble.  A cross between Sour Diesel and Bubblicious.  It is an Indica all the way, and a strong one at that.  This is a strain you smoke when you are in pain, you can't eat, or you have an issue with your sleep.  You rip a bong filled with Sour Bubble, you're out like a light.
A Sour Bubble plant.

Sour Bubble rated an 8 on the taste scale at, and they described the taste as "Full Bubba palate with Bubble Gum finish."  The plant will take 65 days to fully mature, but it will be worth it to anyone needing a strong indica.  Overall, a great strain to pick up the next time you hit your nearest dispensary.

Indica vs. Sativa.

To kick off the MMJB, I'll begin by teaching you a bit about indicas and sativas.

There are two types of medical marijuana that are used for medicine: Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa.  There is a third type of cannabis called Cannabis Ruderalis, but it's not used medically.  More on Cannabis Ruderalis will be available in later posts. Both Indicas and Sativas are wonderful forms of Medical Marijuana,  each serve their own purpose, and everyone has their own preference.  

Cannabis Indica is shorter than the Cannabis Sativa plant, with much thicker leaves.  Here is a Cannabis Indica plant in all its glory:

Indicas are described more as "body highs", usually better for pain relief, anxiety, and depression.  Indicas will also give you a serious case of the munchies, so get a bag of Doritos ready.  Aside from its pain relieving effects, it will make you VERY tired.  You will be couch-locked, and sleeping will not be a problem after smoking a bowl of any indica.

Cannabis Sativa is a larger, taller plant, with its leaves thinner and more spread apart.  Sativas are more energetic, you can think and move while under its effects.  It will not knock you out, and you won't feel the inexplicable urge to eat your entire kitchen.  Here's a cannabis sativa plant:

As you can see, Cannabis Sativa is much larger than its sister.

When the two types of cannabis are mixed, the newly-formed plant is known as a hybrid.  Most hybrid strains, such as Magic Merlin here, are up to the breeder's discretion as to the sativa/indica ratio.

Hybrids solve many problems, because they have the positive qualities of both cannabis plants.

No type of cannabis plant is better than the other, it's all up to the patient and what their specific ailment may be.

Until next time, stay medicated :)

A Brief Intro to the Bible.

Welcome, patients and newcomers, to the Medical Marijuana Bible (MMJB)! 

This will be your guide, your key into the amazing and fascinating world of medical cannabis.  Everything you could ever want to know will be answered here.  Hash, bud, leaves, indica, sativa, strains, growing, and much more will be found on the pages ahead.

If you have ANY questions about the medicine, or any requests for what you would like to know, comment!  I will be happy to post whatever you need in order to know what you need to know.